This is primarily a pre-Steam patch to address some polish level fixes in low level content/quests. For those that are wondering how that is going outside of content/polish fixes – our Steam client is in closed beta testing; it has some enhancements such as snap to windows, updated directx draw/optimization, fixes for UI config saving, party window healing/buffs. That will be available with Steam which we plan to launch later this summer (date TBD).
- Removed spawn of NPCs at burning bridge on Valinor
- Capped Valinor, Krog, Silvest spawns so they can’t get too crazy with Spawn Increase
- Removed placeholder from most mainlands (non expansion) bosses
= Arrlandah
= Illanpa
= Wasp Queen (Darkwoods)
= Brood Queen (Darkfell)
= Ewwww
= Termigon Queen
= Slobberknocker
= Oak Rot
= Wasp Queen (Krythan)
= Hugla
= Master Blaster
= Chugga Bam Bam
= Greenteeth
= Ryonkah
= Scalo
= Spore Summon
= Umbergon
= Meklor
= Unkea
= Ignis Fatuus
= Snagglefang
- Changed name of Dull Gemed Staff > Dull Gemmed Staff
- Adjusted weight of spider legs
- Adjusted resale value of Silk Cape, Cloth cap, Colored Cloth Caps
- Resale value on Bark Shield and Blue Workers Gloves
- Removed yellow silk robe from alchemy shops
- Updated stats on crafted silk armor to be more level appropriate
- More informational text for players on using items
- Fix for torches (would become broken)
- Newbie quests will check if player can hold rewards in their backpack
- Newbie mage trainers will inform player they can cast higher level spells with Dull Gemmed Staff, will give a Rune of Kuthos when they are given that staff and print instructions about reaching level 10 in skill.
- Mage Trainer adjusts for new players + print to chat instructions when receiving wand.
- Storage Crate given at end of farming quest
- Changed up Newbie farming quest to teach player to dig hole and plant seed.
- Redo on Newbie Tailor quest (to match the updated tailoring progression)
- Fix for mage quests that you could get stuck on and get gem staff over and over
- Swapped Roger Duncan quest reward potion of repair for potions of stamina
- Can kill mages or brigands on Karter Jons kobold quest stage that needs you to hunt for pages
- Updated quest stage directions for Sozal, Kobold Lake
- Foreman Drell gives directions to the mine entrance for Cliffside
- Adjust to intro NPCs; less text, more hints printed to chat
- Update to Sergeant Sevareth dialogue
- Kristanna dialogue updated
- Rabak dialogue updated
- Adjust for spinning/weaving times on Cotton/Silk/Wool
- Adjust for xp/difficulty on Cotton/Silk/Wool crafting at early levels
- Added cotton seed and empty buckets to ag shops
- Adjusted price on cloth/wool/silk for design rebalance:
= Silk Cap
= Cloth Gloves
= Cloth Cap
= Colored Cloth Gloves
= Colored Cloth Caps
= Woolen Cap
= Pants
= Cloth Bag
= Colored Pants
= Short Cloak
= Tunic
= Colored Tunics
= Cloth Dress
= Cloak
= Woolen Gloves
= Cape
= Woolen Sash
= Cloth Robe
= Woolen Slippers
= Silk Gloves
= Woolen Pants
= Woolen Cloak
= Silk Sash
= Silk Pants
= Wide Silk Sash
= Long Cape
= Woolen Tunic
= Silk Cape
= Woolen Dress
= Woolen Robe - Added fertilizer to Farming Guidebook
- Added info to fertilizer, when clicked to use it gives instructions in yellow.
- Fixed typo ferilizer > fertilizer
- Bumped cinnamon and lime seed forage rates on Newbie island
- Fix for event not cleaning up spire that despawns (from no one attacking it in certain period of time)
- Grammar on food messaging, added commas + when eating, said “such and such increases health constitution and intelligence!”
- Fixed Mataarzal NPC named Banker
CHAOS ONLY Hotfix 7.7.2022
A small hotfix that includes some changes to consummables. These changes will drop to H/L eventually also.
- Adjust on Rineguile quest – chance to get slime from slugs is now 1 in 10 from 1 in 16.
- Adjusted a few consumables (see below)
- All brewed drinks last 1 hour instead of 30 min
- Chlera Hard Cider gives Stam Regen and Dex vs just Dex
- Hobgoblin Strong Ale gives +5 str/con vs +4
- Northern Frost Mead gives +10% Health Regen vs 5%
- Cooked Purker gives 2 Con 2 Int
- Cooked Casucs gives 1 Dex 1 Stam Regen
- Orange Snagger gives +3 Str +3 Con
- Speckled Tithia gives +4 Int +2 Con vs just Int
- Jester Fish gives +3 Dex and +10% Health Regen
- Redfin Bloater gives +2 Str/Dex/Int vs 2 int/con
- Dragonhead Perch gives +3 Str +2 Con +10 Health Regen
- Apple gives +2 Con
- Potatoes give 50 HP
- Carrots give +2 to hit
- Lime gives 25 HP
- Lemon gives 5% disease resist
- Cherries give +2 Dex
- Coconut can be eaten; gives +2 Dex +1 Stam Regen
- Milk food effect doubled from 10 min to match other similar foods
- Grammar Fix in Patron text
- Oil of Jandros now does a shield effect (mitigation)
- Poison Potions/Disease potions instruct player to apply to a weapon
- Typo Resurected > Resurrected
- Wizard Familiars now limited follower similar to VIP pet

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